Defending market position
As of 6th April 2017, all employers in the UK with an annual pay bill over £3 million will have to make an investment in apprenticeships. With so much attention now being placed on apprenticeships, ACT are faced with the challenge of defending their leading market position. "My goal as Senior Marketing and PR Manager is to maintain our leader standing through awareness and engagement with employers."
Whilst the Apprenticeship Levy is welcomed by ACT, who believes apprenticeships are fundamental in securing a better economy, there's no doubt that the levy has also ruffled a few feathers among employers. "It's difficult for ACT to intelligently engage with employers without understanding the general sentiment around the levy. For example, which companies are championing it and why, and which companies are concerned and why." A media monitoring tool is needed to make sense of the conversations and get to grips with the murmur developing online.
"By analysing metrics such as trending themes and sentiment, we can see which companies are for or against the new legislation. Insights found are vital when building educational campaigns that resonate with our audience. We monitor the press to see whether new companies are opening up locally and target them. We also track for keywords around skill shortages and sectors in demand; this type of information is very useful for our Business Development Team when developing relationships."
Jayne McGill-Harris, Senior Marketing and PR Manager
Building targeted campaigns
ACT use Meltwater's online media monitoring tool to track conversations taking place in different sectors surrounding the Apprenticeship Levy. "By analyzing metrics such as trending themes and sentiment, we can see which companies are for or against the new legislation. Insights found are vital when building educational campaigns that resonate with our audience."
ACT also use media monitoring to both boost brand awareness and drive new business. "We monitor the press to see whether new companies are opening up locally and target them. We also track for keywords around skill shortages and sectors in demand; this type of information is very useful for our Business Development Team when developing relationships."
Meltwater Helps ACT to
Engage intelligently
"It's difficult for ACT to intelligently engage with employers without understanding the general sentiment around the levy. For example, which companies are championing it and why, and which companies are concerned and why. By analysing metrics such as trending themes and sentiment, we can see which companies are for or against the new legislation. Insights found are vital when building educational campaigns that resonate with our audience."
Build networks
"Meltwater's media monitoring tool saves us a lot of time. I particularly like the daily reports as they're easy to digest and I can find all our searches in one place. The tool makes my life easier when it comes to collating coverage and forwarding to the team. Compared to other media monitoring providers, Meltwater is modern, dynamic and intuitive."