Cairn Oil and Gas vertical of Vedanta Limited

Incomplete and missing data points in news monitoring
The corporate communication team's main objective is to build a positive image of the organization in traditional as well as digital media. They ensure that people are talking positively, and in case of any adversities, they monitor negative conversations to find a quick solution.
To manage this primary mission along with other secondary missions, the team is divided into three verticals - media and social media, internal communications and design studio. The internal communications team corresponds internally for all-important announcements while the design studio is responsible for maintaining the overall branding.
Through events, conferences, outreach activities, social media engagement and traditional PR activities, the company spreads awareness and manages their reputation. Before partnering with Meltwater, the team was reliant on an external agency using a manual tracking mechanism to help monitor their PR and communication initiatives. This occasionally led to missing information causing unrest within the senior management team. It was then that the need for a robust automated real-time solution arose. They needed a solution that could help them to stay abreast of the latest news.
"If we need to make any communication around various situations, the initial signals come in the form of news via Meltwater. The real time functionality means that our team can swiftly prepare a plan of action for the management. It has made the process smoother and there is lesspanic at the time of emergencies, we feel relieved as we know we get real-time information."
Team Corporate Communications, Cairn Oil & Gas
Managing crises through relevant news alerts
To bridge the gap, Cairn brought Meltwater onboard. The solution made their daily activities swifter and they were now in a better position to provide timely information.
With Meltwater, the team was able to track mentions in real time and gather the most relevant information by linking hundreds of keywords together in a sophisticated boolean. Google alerts led to lots of junk information that had to be manually filtered out. For example, information on the Cairn River was also included in the results, but with Meltwater's 'not' Boolean logic, this could be eliminated so the team only saw data points applicable to them. Furthermore, Google alerts did not allow the team to dive deep enough into data. Meltwater offers regional tracking capabilities using vernacular language keywords, this helped Cairn to track mentions and context of conversations around their various drilling sites in local languages.
Meltwater Helps Cairn, Oil & Gas vertical of Vedanta Limited
1. Track new developments and brand coverage
The team places their trust in the solution to provide them with collated articles and mentions in a standard format that is both easy to read and interpret. These reports are graphically focused and visually appealing. The graphs are also interactive, helping the team to dive deeper into peaks or dips if needed.
2. React swiftly to attention seeking situations
The tracking capability of Meltwater helps notify teams of early signs they need to action. By doing so they can plan swiftly, and in keeping abreast with strategy planning, contain or manage situations. These alerts manage reputation and reduce reaction time. For example, the reporting and action time was significantly reduced by over 90% from 24 hours to 2 hours.
3. Track new developments and brand coverage
The team uses the tool to track government policies and local authorities such as marine pollution authority, petroleum resources development, finance ministry etc. to stay informed of important changes that might impact their business. Alongside, they also monitor competitor actions, other industry hazards and top stories. With the tool, the team is also able to analyze their share of voice within the media, monitor their spokesperson coverage as well as their coverage in domestic and international markets.