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Cannings Purple


As a leading corporate communications, public relations, investor relations and strategic communications agency, Cannings Purple needed a way to provide timely, industry and brand-specific content for their clients. However, without access to ad-hoc searches and historical data, finding relevant news mentions took up hours of precious time. In order for them to prove their true value to clients, Cannings Purple also had to track relevant industry trends and competitor insights over time. This meant having to constantly crawl various social media platforms and media outlets.


Providing the Latest in Trends and Insights

Meltwater empowers Cannings Purple to monitor what is being said about their clients. This means that Cannings Purple is able to provide their clients with the latest in insights and information, from where they're being talked about and what's being said about them to what's happening in their sector that could be of interest. By curating these snippets of information in the same newsletter, Cannings Purple saves their clients the hassle of having to sieve through hours of information online.

Cannings Purple also uses Meltwater to perform ad-hoc searches for prospective clients. This allows them to win over potential clients by providing insights that are tailored to their brand, their competitors, and their specific needs.

The real value of our relationship with Meltwater is that sense of partnership. Every person I have worked with at Meltwater over the last 5 years has wanted the best for us and what’s best for our clients. That’s why it's been such a powerful and strong relationship."

Jamie Wilkinson, Director - Design & Digital, Cannings Purple

Watch: Cannings Purple