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PR & Communications

Copenhagen Business Hub

Copenhagen Business Hub is a public organisation owned by the 29 municipalities in the Capital Region of Denmark. The organisation takes part in promoting and supporting Danish businesses through impartial, specialised guidance tailored to specific needs and challenges. To do this effectively, Copenhagen Business Hub needs to have a constant eye on what is going on in the market.
Photo of the Copenhagen Business Hub office building


An important tool for business development

Copenhagen Business Hub uses Meltwater's media monitoring tools to keep an eye on key topics and capture new information - both on social media and in public documents. Daily monitoring makes it easy to stay fully updated, therefore helping them to respond quickly if needs be.

Insights into relevant public documents from state-, regional- and municipal authorities in Denmark are critical for the organisation's business development initiatives. Meltwater's monitoring of public documents ensures that Copenhagen Business Hub receives exactly the information they need, updated on the platform as soon as it is released.

Photo of two men discussing

"Being able to keep up with the latest public documents from state-, regional- and municipal agencies in Denmark, who are among our primary stakeholders as a publicly-owned business development organisation, provides us a good foundation to perform our most important task - namely to promote business development for the benefit of the entire society."

Copenhagen Business Hub

All-in-one Platform

Monitoring of public documents

As a publicly-owned business development incubator, it is important for Copenhagen Business Hub to maintain in-depth insight into public documents specific to their particular concerns. By leveraging Meltwater's media intelligence tool, Copenhagen Business Hub can feel confident that they're efficiently staying in the know.

Monitoring of social media

Copenhagen Business Hub uses Meltwater's daily monitoring of social media to continuously stay up to date and agile while maintaining strong community management.

All important information is consolidated in one place

Meltwater's platform combines both digital monitoring of social media and monitoring of public documents, providing Copenhagen Business Hub with a comprehensive overview.

Meltwater Solutions Data Analysis illustration