Goodman Media International

Leverage Data to Tell a More Authentic Story
The communications industry is extremely competitive—and very fluid. While clients always want to appear in the most popular and influential media, everything else about the business is changing.
Goodman Media CIO Sabrina Strauss explains, "Now The Today Show is just one tactic in an integrated marketing mix that might include content creation, social media, media relations, and internal communications. Rather than focus on one or a few media only, now we have to think about how to integrate all of these into a larger plan."
Goodman Media manages every aspect of a client's media mix and is responsible for events, crisis management, executive positioning, thought leadership, and key announcements. Their diverse clientele operates globally in a wide range of industries and requires a sophisticated understanding of market conditions and the ability to monitor developments in multiple languages. Each company has its own way of communicating, and Goodman Media is expected to tap into this.
CIO Strauss says, "Our challenge every day is finding ways to get our clients inserted in the news and allow them to tell their story in an authentic way, and Meltwater helps us identify what those avenues and stories might look like. The importance of data is growing."
"More often now clients are asking us for numbers—and insights using numbers—revealing where they stand in the marketplace."
Lauren Hiznay, Account Manager, Goodman Media
A Powerful Metrics and Media Platform
"Meltwater enables us to look at how our clients and their competitors are being covered, and inform which element of their media mix to step up so we can better achieve their goals," says Goodman Media's Lauren Hiznay.
Meltwater's global monitoring function pulls in information for Goodman Media that's both qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative information includes where clients appear in each media and what that means in terms of exposure. Increasingly, however, clients are asking for metrics, and the insights that result from them. Reach, volume, sentiment, and number of mentions have value by themselves, and insofar as they reveal patterns and trends. Lauren Hiznay says, "As media changes and our world becomes more reliant on data and more data-driven, it's important for our work to also be more data-driven."
Customizable on-demand reporting allows Goodman Media to keep clients informed of the latest stories and developments in their industry. And because it's a global solution offering in-depth local monitoring, Meltwater is the ideal platform for the firm's multinational clients and their distinct and diverse audiences.
Goodman Media EVP Liane Ramirez Swierk says, "Meltwater really is the secret sauce that we rely on."
"Meltwater gives us the resources of a big agency while still allowing us to be the nimble and creative and quick-adapting team that we are."
Lauren Hiznay, Account Manager, Goodman Media
Meltwater Helps Goodman Media
Use metrics to develop successful marketing strategies for clients
"The holy grail today is metrics. Everyone wants to figure out the best formula for success, using numbers and measurements. For us, data and insights really come into play in terms of a well-rounded marketing mix. For our clients to execute impactful campaigns, reliable data and insights are essential."
— Liane Ramirez, Executive Vice President
Understand the competitive landscape in a matter of a few clicks
"We're always working on deadline. Meltwater helps us understand the landscape in a matter of a few clicks, even if we're on the go. One capability that we really find valuable in Meltwater is the ability to pull together a competitive analysis quickly and report to a client what's going on in their world."
— Lauren Hiznay, Account Manager
Monitor and manage client reputations in real time more effectively
"Reputation is everything to our clients. Recently we used Meltwater to identify the source of some damaging misinformation. The platform revealed the timeline of the articles containing the mistake so that I could trace it to its origin and alert the reporter. He then made the correction to limit the damage."
— Brian Rengel, Assistant Account Executive