Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council

Raise Awareness and Navigate Congress
Launched within the regulatory arm of the pet industry, PIJAC focuses on keeping its members aware of legislation that affects them at the state, local, and federal levels. "Our members are animal care experts, and they rely on us for insights and guidance on the processes and procedures to effectively navigate the halls of congress," explains Joshua Jones, Director of Legislative & Regulatory Engagement.
Tracking legislation at the local level was impossible, as most smaller town government websites aren't updated when local ordinances are passed. Missing this type of coverage meant PIJAC's members could miss out on key opportunities to raise issues and address concerns with elected officials about laws impacting the pet industry.
How "First Look" is Increasing Member Engagement
Whether it's news out of Portland, Maine, about the potential ban on the sale of cats and dogs, or understanding sentiment on topics like pets on Amtrak trains, PIJAC is first to know when important news articles hit and has confidence knowing nothing slips through the cracks.
PIJAC creates and distributes a weekly, branded newsletter called "First Look," powered by keyword searches Meltwater helped them put in place. Coverage is automatically filtered into three sections - Business, Legislation, and "Feel Good Animal Stories."
The communication team can also see which newsletter articles are most read and shared, ensuring the delivery of quality content to their members. The Meltwater dashboard automatically analyzes all articles and populates a trending theme and sentiment graph, allowing PIJAC to capitalize on trending themes.
Meltwater Helps PIJAC
Provide relevant content and track success rates of member newsletters
"Meltwater's commitment to developing our keyword searches helped generate more than 10,000 articles read for our daily member e-newsletter in the first 6 months of use. That figure demonstrates that the depth, breadth, and quality of coverage Meltwater provides is relevant to our members."
— Mike Bober, President & CEO
Capture all legislation coverage and understand the big picture landscape
"Meltwater helps us look at issues in the news from a big picture perspective. When we saw press pick up around the topic of allowing pets on Amtrak trains we decided to take action, and we successfully got a law passed allowing pets on trains throughout the northeast corridor."
Gain trusted advice from media experts
"With the newsletter, we created something out of nothing.We could not have done that without an automated, easy-to-use tool. The fact that our members go out of their way to tell me they appreciate the articles we send and they rely on the content we send proves Meltwater's value."
— Joshua Jones, Director of Legislative & Regulatory Engagement