Quebec Tourism Industry Alliance

“With #PourUnInstant we wanted to demonstrate the solidarity of the Quebec tourism industry, and also position Quebec as a top travel destination.”
Karine Beaudin, Delegate, Business Development and Media Relations
Challenge: Promoting Travel During a Lockdown
The travel industry was severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Not only was the industry facing budget cuts and layoffs, but the concept of travel had to be redefined once stay-at-home orders were imposed. Community plays a huge role in travel, so the Alliance team had to find a way to create solidarity from a distance. It required a process of learning how to foster community during the period of isolation.
During times of stress, social unity is extremely important. However, COVID-19 presented an entirely new framework for messaging solidarity and hope while practicing social distancing. The Alliance team knew that as Quebecers what they could offer was positive-energy and a dose of escapism amid the chaos, while still encouraging followers to comply with government orders.
Solution: #PourUnInstant Movement
With a desire to keep the travel industry alive, in hearts and minds, the Alliance team launched #PourUnInstant (#ForAMoment), a movement that lets you travel while under lockdown. Individuals were encouraged to take a picture from their window, and using the hashtag #PourUnInstant, share moments of beauty, creativity, and solidarity. As people had been staying home, windows became the true interface to the outside world. With #PourUnInstant Alliance welcomed visitors to Quebec, perhaps in a more intimate way than ever before.
#PourUnInstant was unlike anything Alliance had done before. It was not a paid initiative, rather replicating elements of a social movement as all participation was free and voluntary. The Alliance team then aggregated all of the content the movement had generated and created a 60-second film, partners and users were asked to share the video along with the #PourUnInstant hashtag and additional content. By leveraging unique strategies the video generated much engagement, and by using Meltwater Influencer Marketing the alliance team was able to measure the scope of the impact.
What did Alliance achieve?
The Alliance team was able to maximize brand exposure and promote tourism, by leveraging the unconventionality of influencer marketing.
- The #PourUnInstant campaign reached 2.3M users, generated 225.2K engagements, and an EMV of ~$1M.
- Received voluntary cooperation from influencers and industry leaders, indicating the strength of the Alliance brand
- Created solidarity and unity amongst the Quebec Tourism industry
Get in touch to learn more
Meltwater Influencer Marketing helped the Quebec Tourism Industry Alliance overcome a unique challenge with an equally unique campaign. How could we help you?