Kongelig Norsk Båtforbund

Keeping track of mentions
Meltwater helps KNBF with keeping a close eye on specialist magazines that write about boating. Also, Meltwaters media monitoring is used to keep an overview of when local boating associations and boat crews are mentioned in the media. "Meltwater started by setting up a search which contributed to giving us a check of our own mentions, followed by a search which monitored mentions of other boating associations. A good start for getting an overview of our area of interest".
Monitoring relevant topics and opinion leaders
Monitoring relevant news, KNBF are also able to get insights about journalists who have an interest in our agenda. This helps KNBF with making even better lists of journalists to share their message. "One of the key issues for us at KNBF is the mandatory use of life jackets at sea for leisure boats. During the planning process to highlight this matter, my customer contact at Meltwater helped us obtain an overview of how many articles had been written about this specific topic and by whom".
"For us, it was about identifying journalists who had the same opinion as us, adding them to our media list and sending out a segmented press release"
Geir Giæver, Communications Manager, Kongelig Norsk Båtforbund
Media Monitoring and PR
Monitoring brand mentions and relevant topics
Meltwater helps KNBF with understanding the organisation's position in the media as well as key topics in the industry.
Identifying key opinion leaders
Additionally, Meltwater's press tool enables KNBF to identify and manage media lists of relevant journalists that are used to create and send out targeted press releases.