Splash Communications

Making a Bigger Splash
Splash Communications is a full-service marketing think tank conceived out of a love for both marketing and scuba diving. Since their founding in 2005, they’ve been on a growth tear that reaches across global markets and audiences. For the last three years, they’ve relied on Meltwater to help them create a bigger Splash.
The Challenge
Acquire the Ability to Take on Bigger Assignments
How does a ripple become a wave, and a wave a tsunami? Splash founder Elysa Leonard was asking herself questions like these when she set her sights on growing bigger. Her agency had recently passed the 10-year mark and she was looking to take on more challenging projects. Opportunity arrived in the form of a global conference she was tasked with doing PR for. The subject matter was technical in nature—fog computing’s relationship to the Internet of Things (IoT)—and Leonard needed to identify experts & journalists to generate interest. She knew that technology could play a key role here. “I knew that getting the [bigger] work required bigger tools.”
Her long-time client, QuirkyCruise.com, needed a targeted email list that they could use to support their ambitious advertising goals. They created a contest to “live the life of a travel writer” as a way to capture emails. The winner would be asked to tell their story through an article with lots of pictures from the trip. Meltwater was the perfect tool to send the press release and track results. Next, Leonard’s work with a charity promoting coral reef restoration involved knowing who was discussing changes in ocean temperatures and coral restoration work throughout the world and through this could find potential sponsors to support the charity’s work.
My company started while living abroad in Bermuda, wanted to scuba dive often, I started Splash by bartering marketing expertise for free diving. I worked with dive shop clients in Bermuda and helped them reach out to the US market to bring them new customers and partnered with hotels and airlines using an integrated marketing approach.
Elysa Leonard, CEO and Founder
The Solution
A Versatile All-in-One Platform with Global Reach
“I’d taken the demo and really wanted to work with Meltwater,” Elysa Leonard says. Considering the challenges she faced, she believed Meltwater’s all-in-one platform would give her the tools necessary to execute integrated marketing and public relations campaigns. Immediately after taking the plunge, Splash used Meltwater for a crash course in fog computing and IoT. They found the most capable journalists by reading articles they’d written on these subjects directly within the platform. After hitting their attendance and PR goals, Splash was asked to help with email marketing for the conference as well.
Their work for QuirkyCruise.com is another gift that keeps on giving. The email marketing list they created with their giveaway campaign now includes 2,000 influencers with a confirmed interest in travel. Through this PR campaign, Splash was able to help QuirkyCruise.com create an email list of more than 10,000 potential cruise passengers. A valuable asset for the company to help acquire advertisers for QuirkyCruise.com.
For the Salvation Army, Splash tracked every mention in local media with the platform and used its reporting capabilities to show their delighted clients they were delivering results.
Meltwater Helps Splash Communications
Execute on a global scale by providing integrated marketing tools
“We wanted to do more national and international projects but couldn't get the work because we didn't have the tools we needed. And so that was the biggest draw for me. We were just in the process of hiring more people again when the economy came to a halt. We’ll resume growing again when the recovery begins.” – Elysa Leonard, CEO, and Founder
Become familiar with issues and experts from right inside the platform
“Our client was hosting a tech conference and wanted to attract market leaders. We needed a quick education in fog computing and IoT so that we could produce more effective press releases. Using Meltwater, we were able to get up to speed quickly and identify writers who could really connect with our audience.” – Elysa Leonard, CEO and Founder
Gain a better understanding of reach and report with greater accuracy
“For the Salvation Army, we would get mentions in the local patch.com, and then other niche outlets would pick up and push out that content. We wouldn't have known about all the social sharing without Meltwater. At the final meeting, we were able to document the robust results we achieved with our campaign.” – Elysa Leonard, CEO, and Founder