Monitor, Mobilize, and Report Across 19 Countries
TECHO, formerly named Un Techo para mi País, which means 'a roof for my country' in Spanish, was founded 20 years ago in Chile. The nonprofit seeks to overcome poverty in informal settlements, strengthening community development, promoting active participation, and contributing to the media and the public agenda.
Inspired by the UN's agenda to end poverty and hunger by 2030, TECHO has stepped up to increase awareness about the unfair situation of inequality in Latin America and the committed work of community residents in their effort to improve their living conditions.
TECHO wanted a platform that could help them better understand their audience, and then plan, execute and optimize campaigns more efficiently. The first step in the use of Meltwater has been to capture those conversations related to TECHO's work (activities and campaigns), and to issues linked to inequality and the reality of informal settlements, all appearing in news websites and social media. They also wanted the ability to measure their effectiveness and learn from their experiences.
"Making our message resonate required a platform that could measure our performance and enable us to make more-informed decisions."
Florencia Amaro, Editorial Chief, TECHO
A Global Platform Geared Toward Action and Insight
Today TECHO is using Meltwater to support their work at three stages: planning and organizing, execution, and assessment and reporting. Global media monitoring provides the nonprofit with insights and context to inform itself about its topics, the development of its campaign, and media conversations. An internal newsfeed offers them yet another reliable source of information.
Meltwater's advanced, all-in-one social media console allows TECHO to learn more about different audiences and spread its message of commitment and responsibility, including the reality in Latin America. With so much of the organization's success tied to the reactions of the communities they impact, TECHO's communications teams rely heavily on Meltwater's sentiment analysis and other key metrics. They work hand-in-glove with their Meltwater customer service representative to acquire a deeper understanding of their results and learn how to conduct and influence their future campaigns and related activities.
"Meltwater is a key tool to the strengthening of our communication," says Florencia Amaro. "It's not only because of all the built-in features that we use. It's also due to the close relationships we have with the representatives at Meltwater."
"Amplifying our message of inclusion requires having a tool like Meltwater to monitor and measure our performance and guide us in making the right decisions."
Florencia Amaro, Editorial Chief, TECHO
Meltwater Helps TECHO
Increase opportunities for successful outreach
"The success of many of our campaigns depends on people attending and participating. The relevance of our outreach counts for a lot. Meltwater's media platform really helps us here by providing access to mentions from online channels and tools to instantly see the trends and understand our relationship to them."
Measure their actions against desired results
"Meltwater reporting allows us to measure our actions against the data. Seeing the results of our efforts serves as the foundation for our next initiatives. Meltwater's sentiment analysis is our thermometer, revealing the neutral, positive and negative mentions we need to orient ourselves."
Scale effectively in support of ongoing growth
"Without access to Meltwater, it would be like performing artisanal searches, one by one, manually. Instead, we're trying to analyze a greater amount of information as to monitor our work on a bigger scale.Meltwater is valuable to support our growth and reach as wide of an audience as possible."
— Florencia Amaro, Editorial Chief, TECHO