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Unilever Persil

“Dirt is Good!" Learn how Persil uses Klear’s global influencer platform to find the most relevant micro-influencers to partner with, for a campaign reaching one million people across Europe.
A person holding a basket of clean white laundry.

“Meltwater Influencer Marketing is the best platform to build influencer programs!”

Gladys Diaz, Unilever

Persil is a German laundry detergent brand, manufactured and marketed by Unilever. As a leading family brand, Persil wanted to encourage parents to spend more time outdoors with their kids. Under the tagline “Dirt is Good” Persil launched a social media campaign in multiple countries across Europe. With Meltwater Influencer Marketing's global influencer platform, the Unilever’s Persil team found the most relevant micro-influencers to partner with and to promote the idea to their audience.

To raise campaign awareness and drive social conversation, Persil decided to partner with family influencers in each country. The brand needed to find the best family and parenting influencers in each country, overcoming language differences, vetting influencers across multiple social platforms, and later on, measuring the campaign performance in each region.


The Persil team used Klear to find mid-tier parenting influencers from Spain, Portugal, Greece, Finland, and France. The team vetted the lists of influencers and picked the most relevant ones according to their Klear profiles. Then influencers then posted updates of their outdoor activities with their kids accompanied by the hashtag #dirtisgood in different languages.


With Meltwater Influencer Marketing, the Persil team at Unilever could track campaign performance and create reports to share internally and with partners. This allowed Persil to show the success of their #dirtisgood campaign.

  • The team identified and collaborated with 17 influencers who collectively created 51 posts
  • Generated 92,554 engagement
  • Achieved a true reach of 1,009,341

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Meltwater Influencer Marketing helped Persil reach one million people with a cost effective influencer campaign. What could we do for you?