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A Lesson in Crisis Communications: COVID-19 Case Study

Medical staff in surgery looking at a patient's vital signs

The recent months have seen nations being thrown into disarray as they scramble to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. From governments to private businesses, all organisations have been required to respond quickly and effectively or risk damaging their reputation and public trust.

Rikki Jones, Regional Managing Director of GCI Health, will walk us through some of the crisis management approaches seen from governments and across industries to this public health crisis, and the valuable lessons PR professionals can take from this global pandemic.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Understand what best practice public health crisis response does (and doesn't!) look like
  • Analyse the lessons we can take away from the governments and companies who have handled their COVID-19 responses well
  • Consider what the COVID-19 environment means for us as communicators for the rest of 2020 and beyond

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