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Social Listening: 5 Ways to Better Understand Your Audience

A group of illustrated characters standing around a phone with several chat bubbles and graphs coming off of the screen. The group is analyzing the social data to try to get a deeper understanding of the audience.

Every day, consumers engage in millions of conversations on Twitter, sharing their emotions and opinions on their personal experiences, purchases, pop culture, and politics. The big question for brands and marketers is, how can we make sense of this vast amount of data?

Knowing what Twitter audiences are saying about your brand, your competitors, and your industry equips you with key insights you need to drive business impact.

Watch this on-demand recording and hear Joe Rice, Head of Growth & Strategic Partnerships at Twitter’s Developer Platform and Imogen Wakefield, Account Executive Team Leader at Meltwater discuss:

  • Why countless brands are prioritizing Twitter
  • The difference between social media monitoring and social listening
  • How businesses are using Twitter insights to ​​improve brand awareness, manage crises, spot trends, and gather audience and competitor intelligence
  • Practical ways to kickstart your social listening strategy

Your customers and competitors are talking. Are you listening?

Register now and learn how to use Twitter data to enhance the ROI of your campaigns.

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