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The Big Solar Power Leap - How the Media fuels the rise of Solar

Photo of a building with solar panels

As one of our time's most pressing questions, the climate crisis fuels the conversation about sustainable energy production. The fossil-free alternatives on the market are scrutinised against their precursors regarding efficiency, reliability, and longevity. Solar power has become one of the far-most mentioned renewable alternatives to non-renewable sources.

Only halfway through 2022, the solar power industry has generated mentions equivalent to 2020’s total coverage. Indicating one thing: The time for solar is now.

This report aims to identify and analyse the various narratives highlighted in the media landscape to provide the reader with an understanding of if and how the media has contributed to the solar power leap:

  • Pull factors or narratives highlighting the benefits and appealing features of solar power
  • Push factors or external factors that push people, companies, or countries to turn to solar

How did the volume of conversations around solar power develop?

Analysis of the volume of conversations around solar power using Meltwater's Media Intelligence Suite

Tip: Download our 2023 Industry Snapshot Report: Energy for free!

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