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10 Tips for PR Planning in 2022

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The PR industry has always been fast-paced, by the very nature of its existence. It’s an industry that responds to change, often in real-time, and one where only the adaptable can survive. But in the midst of this reality, lie a few universal truths that PR pros can use to navigate this exciting but challenging landscape.

The first of which is that preparation is key and those who fail to plan really do plan to fail. The same strategies aren’t going to keep working year in and year out, when it comes to the chaotic nature of the world and the emergence of new tools at our disposal.

So with this in mind, we enlisted the help of respected behaviour designer and co-founder of Shook - Gemma Moroney. Gemma took us through her ten insider tips to help us get ahead this year.

Watch now and start 2022 on the right foot.

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