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Comms Collective - State of Social Media Webinar

The State of Social Media 2022

In this webinar we are joined by leading marketing and social media agencies, from across the industry, exploring all things social media.

Meltwater's UKI Head of Marketing, Charlie Ayling, kicks off the session with a look at social media reporting and why this is so important to evidence the impact of your work. We also hear from agency, The Romans, who took us through a Duolingo case study sharing their insights on how they run this viral account and finally MHP Mischief share their insights in understanding BeReal. The webinar also showcases:

  • Social Media Trends for 2023
  • The great generational social media divide: How different generations behave differently on social media

Fill out the form to hear from experts on the latest technique, ideas and case studies for social media marketing for 2023 and beyond.

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