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On-demand Webinar - Data Driven Marketing: From Insight to Action

Banner for a webinar about Data-Driven Marketing

Insight-driven marketing is our best hope of escaping data overload and pivoting to a marketing world where we can create relevant, high-performing campaigns based on accurate, up-to-date intelligence about our customers’ preferences and behaviours.

This on-demand webinar covers the key factors affecting marketing teams today, the tools you need to strengthen your marketing efforts, tips to keep up with the latest insights and how the modern approach to marketing can take a more data-driven perspective.

Hear from Meltwater’s Upali Dasgupta, APAC Marketing Director and Gemma Hernandez, Consumer Intelligence and Influencer Marketing Specialist as they cover:

  • Shift in the power of the brand narrative towards consumers
  • The role of AI in Insight-Driven Marketing
  • Creating a competitive advantage through insight-driven marketing
  • Competitor benchmarking
  • Personalisation
  • Quantitive and qualitative consumer research

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