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How To Be A LinkedIn Lead-Generation Machine

A pink magnet on a pink background

LinkedIn is a goldmine. It is the #1 channel B2B marketers use to distribute content and makes up more than 50% of all social traffic to business websites and blogs. But why are some professionals winning and others not? To answer this question, and provide the tools for LinkedIn success, Meltwater has partnered with Jason Luboyera, the Founder of 365DigiSales, a sales-enablement company that focuses on helping African B2B Founders and their sales teams build their ideal digital sales machine through digitisation and automation.

In this webinar, Jason unpacks exactly how modern-day selling and marketing via LinkedIn can positively impact your bottom line, and you will learn:

1. How to set up a client-centric LinkedIn profile

2. How to build a personal brand that acts as a lead magnet

3. How to send the perfect LinkedIn Mail with conversational outreach messaging tips

4. How to use a simple tech-stack that makes digital marketing systematic and trackable

Access the webinar here, and watch the results pour in!

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