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Running a Smart Social Media Audit

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Running a social media audit might sound scary but when you break it down into stages, and have the right tools available it’s not only straight-forward, but dare we say fun?

Social audits are essential for keeping your social media strategy buzzing along on the right track, and they cover a lot of bases from making sure your branding is up to date to checking permissions to looking at competitors, and more.

In this joint webinar / Masterclass session Meltwater content manager Samantha Scott and product specialist Courtney Tusken will help empower you to not only run a social audit but to do so with panache, saving yourself and your team time.

We’ll cover:

  • Why you need to run social audits on a regular basis
  • 10 key things every social audit should address
  • How Meltwater range of solutions can help with social media auditing
  • Using a social audit to uncover new opportunities for your social strategy

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