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Social Media Marketing for Everybody

An image showing just the legs of several people sitting on a couch, on phones and laptops. Image for a guide to social media marketing

Your complete guide to social media marketing

Social media keeps getting more powerful for marketers, and more complex! Every year there are new channels, new features and new tactics to master – staying on top of it all takes a lot of focus. This eBook covers everything you need to know about the current state of social media marketing. Whether social media is your main job, or if it’s just another hat you wear as a do-everything marketer, this guide will help you do it better.

You’ll learn which platforms are the most important, and how to get the most value from them by picking the tactics that are proven do deliver the best results . Fill out the form to get your eBook, which covers:

  • How to use social listening to uncover insights
  • Building an efficient content publishing engine
  • Proving ROI to show the value of your activity

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