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Travel & Tourism Marketing in the Midst of COVID-19

Are you unsure of how to keep engagement high with your audience and grow your community while no one’s booking travel?

Travel and tourism was one of the first, and arguably the most prominent, industries to be impacted by the global crisis caused by COVID-19. Trip cancellations are abundant, and without knowing when things will ‘go back to normal’, people aren't as likely to book future vacations. This leaves marketers and communicators scratching their heads to determine what their next move should be.

Join Elysa Leonard (Splash Communications), Shannon Manno (Island Windjammers), Brian Major (, and Heidi Sarna ( where they will provide best practices and practical advice to PR, Marketing and communication professionals in this industry as they restructure their strategies for the year and navigate the uncertainty of COVID-19.

From this webinar, you’ll leave with:

  • Recommendations and suggestions on how to get through the ‘rough seas’ and keep top of mind with customers during this time when everything is “on-hold” and there is limited travel business.
  • Real-life examples of strategies that are helping travel and tourism companies stay relevant to their customers so that when people travel again, they pick your brand
  • Ideas for effective messaging once travel opens up again

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