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Using Data to Establish Your Social Strategy for 2020

Learn the science behind what your social media data is telling you.

There’s real science behind what your social media data is telling you. Acting on what the data says is the first priority of social media managers and aspiring experts. You’ve heard the expression “Walk before you run.” We promise to help you fly, as you learn how to decipher and apply the many lessons contained within social media data streams.

This webinar will tackle:

  • Challenges managers often face when getting started on social, along with solutions
  • The three stages of social strategy—crawl, walk, and run—with use cases for each
  • Finding and creating content, and determining optimal times to post
  • General efficiencies and engagement workflow
  • Lead generation, campaign and big data analysis, API integrations, and more

Currently there are 3.2 billion social media users worldwide. If reaching more of them is in your plans for 2020, you’ll want to learn how here.

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