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Best interactive social posts.

The Best Examples of Interactive Posts on Social Media

TJ Kiely

Dec 1, 2023

Engagement is the name of the social media management game. For starters, engagement is a sure sign that your content has been seen and understood by others. Taking it a step further, all those likes, clicks, shares, and social media comments give marketers more insight into who their audience is and what they respond to.

That said, not all social media content is created equal. Some posts might make you smile, while others will “stop the scroll” and make you think. And then there’s interactive content, which is engineered for engagement.

If getting real feedback or reactions from your audience is your goal, then you need interactive content in your social media strategy. Here’s how to create interactive social media posts and some examples from other brands that you can emulate.

Table of Contents:

What Is Interactive Content?

Interactive content is the all-encompassing term for content with which users can click, play, answer, or otherwise engage.

Based on that definition, you might be thinking, “But doesn’t that make all social media content interactive, since you can Like, Comment, and Share it?”

Not exactly. Those features are inherent to all social media content, regardless of the purpose of the content. Interactive social media posts, however, are intentionally crafted to engage your audience. It might be as simple as asking a survey question or as complex as an immersive experience.

A screenshot showing a Robert Half LinkedIn poll asking "what's at the top of your work wish this holiday season?" Out of 17,041 votes, 57% of respondents say they wish for a 100% remote work schedule.

The goal is to give people a reason for interaction with your media beyond the basic likes and shares.

Why Should You Create Interactive Social Media Posts?

Your audience already expects you to come up with quality content ideas. That’s why they follow you in the first place. But coming up with creative, engaging social media posts on a regular basis can be challenging. This is when many marketers fall into the rut of creating content for the sake of content, and then wonder why they aren’t seeing great results.

Taking an “interactive first” mindset is a great way to help you keep social media engagement at the forefront of your content creation process. When you focus on interactive posts, you’re intentionally thinking about ways to get your audience involved.

Our best tip: Think back to your why.

Why do you want to post content in the first place? For many brands, the final answer is to grow sales. To do this, though, brands first need to focus on generating social media marketing content that people notice and like. As more people engage with your content, you can get to know their likes, dislikes, preferences, and other key details.

The more you get to know your audience, the more you can deliver on their expectations. Interactive media encourages engagement so that you can discover more about the people who follow you on social media. Using these insights to build out your social media calendar is a great way to ensure you always have something to share.

For example, let’s say you want to create interactive posts for Facebook. You decide to build your content around popular social holidays, such as National Pet Day or Popcorn Lover’s Day. Your interactive Facebook posts might be voting on the best popcorn flavors, or the best pet pic submitted by your internal staff, for example.

You can use interactive memes to connect with your audience, too. One popular example that gets people heated is deciding the “correct” placement for a toilet paper roll. You can post a meme image that shows both options and let your audience weigh in.

Making interactive content can mean taking a little risk if you really want to stand out. But don’t dare to be different to the point of sabotaging your efforts altogether. Consult our guide on things you should never share on social media for more insight.

Tip: In this free on-demand webinar you learn how to use Facebook and LinkedIn as marketing channels.

How to Create Great Interactive Posts

While there is no “secret formula” that makes interactive content effective, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of connecting with your audience.

Let’s look at a few engagement strategies you can use to make your interactive experiences more effective:

Run a contest or giveaway

Win glazed donuts for sharing a social post.

Some social media users are happy to engage with your content, no questions asked. But others might be more encouraged to do so if they get something in return.

That’s why contests and giveaways are some of the most popular types of interactive content. Their participation could make them a winner, and it costs them nothing but a little time on their computer!

For example, restaurants often run “Like and Share” contests to award a winner with free food. Likes give the brand an idea as to how many people are engaging with their posts, while Shares help them to get in front of a larger audience.

Encourage others to “tag a friend”

Fresh cinnamon bread social post.

Another way to grow your audience is to ask your audience to “tag a friend” who would relate to their post. Tag a friend posts are super shareable on mobile and can play into the audience’s emotions to inspire them to take action.

For example, a hospitality brand might ask its followers to tag a friend who needs a vacation. Clothing boutiques can use tag a friend posts to get their new season’s fashions in front of others who might look good in them. Technology companies, digital agencies, and any other product-based business can use this format for similar outcomes.

Poll the audience

Would you ride, Yup or Nope social post.

Want direct insight into what your audience thinks or feels? A poll can be a direct way to better understand them.

You might use a poll to gauge interest in a new product or service, discover hidden problems or pain points, boost student engagement, or find topics you can cover in upcoming content. 

Use a hashtag

Hashtags can be excellent tools to capitalize on trending topics and bring more people into a conversation. Share the hashtag on your post, then encourage others to share related content using the same hashtag.

Coca-Cola did this with its wildly successful #ShareACoke campaign on Instagram. In addition to personalized Coca-Cola labels, the brand also encouraged its customers to share a picture of themselves enjoying their namesake soda using the hashtag. The campaign garnered countless pieces of user-generated content as well as multiple appearances by celebrities, such as Selena Gomez and Ryan Seacrest.

Add screen cards to YouTube videos

YouTube video cards can turn passive watching into a fully engaging experience. They are highly useful communication tools that work in conjunction with the video without distracting from it.

Cards appear at defined points during the video and serve a number of purposes. For example, merchandise cards can take viewers directly to a website link to purchase the items they see in the video. Some YouTube channels use video cards to make it easy for viewers to subscribe to their channel directly from the video.

Screenshot of a YouTube video end screen with cards suggestion other videos and channels.

End screens serve a similar purpose, except they are displayed at the end of a video rather than during it. The end screen usually offers several next-step options for viewers, such as recommendations for other videos, sharing with others, or subscribing to the channel.

Great Examples of Interactive Social Posts

Need some inspiration? We’ve found some of the best interactive social posts to inspire your strategy:

1. Snapchat: layers and filters

Ticketmaster layer in Snapchat

Ok, maybe Snapchat is a little bit of a cop-out given that the app is basically all interactive posts, from its roots in fun filters to more advanced AI features and brand partnerships. But we feel it belongs on this list as a source of inspiration.

Featured above is an example of how Snapchat works with other companies to help facilitate interaction from users. People can use a map-layer feature from Ticketmaster to find nearby events, purchase tickets, and share with friends.

2. Calm: do nothing for 30 seconds

Mental health and meditation app, Calm encourages their followers to not engaging. It's a powerful message, and one that's starting to be more commonly shared by individuals and brands alike, as more and more people understand the harm of endless scrolling.

Calm does it better than most, however, with simple animations that count down 30 seconds and give simple ways to slow down your breathing. The comments on this post say it all — with people sharing their experiences, struggles, and revelations from slowing down for just 30 seconds.

3. Royal Opera House: follower submissions for World Ballet Day

The Royal Opera House in London has done an excellent job developing their social media presence, bringing stereotypically stuffy or old fashioned art forms like opera and ballet into a fresh and modern medium.

For World Ballet Day in 2022, they took it a step further, inviting their followers to participate in the fun by submitting videos putting their own spin on a piece of choreography. The opera house then shared submissions, showcasing diverse ages, body types, ethnicities, and genders. It was a great way to get a lot of people involved, encourage UGC, and develop even more brand loyalty from their audience.

4. LinkedIn: polls

Screenshot of a LinkedIn poll asking if you should send a thank you note after an interview. The results show that 70% of respondents think "yes" out of 257 thousand voters.

LinkedIn does a great job at demonstrating how to use their own platform with insightful posts about work-life balance, day-to-day issues encountered in the workplace, and engaging questions posed to the working professional network, like the one above.

Their polls are massively popular, and often spark lively discussion in the comments.

Mastering the arts of social media content development and being interactive can take some finessing, but the engagement you gain can help continue to guide your strategy.

Need help putting together your interactive content strategy? Reach out to the Meltwater team today and let’s discuss your goals!
