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4 Facebook Metrics Every Company Should be Measuring

Robert Rydefalk

Feb 5, 2020

It's one thing to jump into Facebook marketing, but seeing ROI from the content you share on social media is another thing. I'm sure marketers have many questions floating around their head, from how many users see the posts from my Facebook Page each month to which are my best posts etc?

In this blog post, we will go through four key Facebook metrics that you should be measuring with your social media analytics tool. Be sure to benchmark the metrics on a regular basis so you can optimise and yield better results! 

4 Facebook Metrics Every Company Should be Measuring

Woohoo! Yesterday we reached 5,000 likes.
Tell all your friends to like us!
Like us and win a snowmobile!

I see these types of posts from Pages in my News Feed all the time and I’m always confused by them. Why, you may ask? Because your Business Page’s number of likes means nothing if your fans aren’t engaging with you. There are way more important Facebook strategy metrics that you should be measuring other than likes. In this blog post, I will provide you with four metrics that I think all companies on Facebook should measure in order to prove the results of their marketing efforts.

1. Reach | Facebook Metrics

In Insights, you can see how many users your Page and your posts have reached. From the “Page” tab, navigate to “Post Reach” to see the number of users your posts reached. Scroll down a bit to see your Total Reach, or the number of users who have seen your Page or any posts associated with it.

It’s also important to know which posts, in particular, have the best reach so that you can post more like them. This type of insight if vital for your future content marketing strategy. To get this data, click on the “Posts” tab and sort by reach. Take a look at the posts with the best reach and try to post more like them.

2. Engaged Users | Facebook Metrics

Facebook uses an algorithm, consisting of millions factors, that determines which posts appear in users’ News Feeds, and a strong factor in this algorithm is engaged users. In the “Posts” tab, you can see the number of users who have engaged with your posts – meaning that they clicked, liked, commented on, or shared your update. As more audience members engage with your posts, Facebook will show your updates to more of your fans.

So, make sure you know which of your posts engage the most users, and post more like them to increase your reach.

3. New Likes | Facebook Metrics

I don’t like to track the number of likes as I feel it's a vanity metric, but at the same time, I do feel that it’s important to track when I receive new likes and when I loose audience members. This data tells me when my content marketing strategy is doing something good and when I’m doing something bad.

To access this data, go to the “Page” tab and take a look at the “Net Likes” graph, which shows you how many new likes and unlikes you had each day. Take a closer look at the dates where you’ve gained or lost a lot of likes to see what you did those days and take note.

4. Negative Feedback | Facebook Metrics

You should experiment with your Facebook posts to find what types of content work best for your Page and followers. But by experimenting you will also take some chances and might receive negative feedback. To get this data, go to the “Posts” tab and navigate to “Post Hides, Hides of All Posts, Reports of Spam, Unlikes of Page”.

Under Engagement you will see the total number of users who have given your post negative feedback. Click on each post to see what kind of negative feedback that post has received.

Keep in mind that negative feedback does not necessarily mean that you posted something bad. When you publish a post that has a lot of engagement, it will reach users that do not already like your page – which can increase your negative feedback. Look at the positive and negative feedback together to determine if you’re posting something your fans don’t like.

Summary of Facebook metrics

There are lots of interesting Facebook metrics that marketers can use to take their strategy to new heights; this blog post only touches on the most common and important ones. Facebook metrics should be analyzed on a regular basis to give you the information that you need to reach and engage more users.

Do you have any other Facebook metrics that you frequently take a closer look at? Let me know in the comments section below.

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