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Illustration showing a dress on a hanger with thread spools floating around and a pink and yellow megaphone, next to a brightly colored globe. Fashion influencers global list blog post

40 Top Global Fashion Influencers to Inspire You

Samantha Scott

Jan 2, 2024

If there was ever a vertical where influencer marketing was a natural fit, it would be the fashion industry. Platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok lend themselves perfectly to sharing outfit inspiration, doing thrift hauls, and of course linking to and tagging your favorite clothing items and stores.

Fashion influencers come in all shapes and sizes (including audience size!).

In our list below, we’ve separated out into broad categories such as “body positivity” and “sustainable” (with the caveat that many of the below fashion influencers could easily go in more than one category).

Let’s dive in! 👗


Are you looking for more local fashion influencers? Check out the top South African fashion influencers and the top fashion influencers in Singapore

Top 10 Fashion Influencers With the Biggest Followings

Let’s kick it off by looking at the fashion influencers who have some of the largest followings on social media: between 1 and 5 million.

As you browse this list, take into account the “True Reach” number compared to their follower number. This is an evaluation of how many engaged fans the influencer actually reaches out of their following. It’s a great reminder to look beyond the base follower count when vetting influencers.

# Name Instagram Handle Followers True Reach Avg. Engagement Comments Likes Shares Avg. # of posts / month
1 Matilda Djerf @matildadjerf 4.3M 1.9M 268.4K 210.9K 267.7K 265.3K 28
2 Lydia Rose @fashioninflux 3.3M 654.1K 39.9K 61.9K 39.5K 186.6K 29
3 Caroline Daur @carodaur 5.1M 545.7K 28.2K 75.6K 13.9K 214.8K 91
4 Kritika Khurana @thatbohogirl 1.9M 499K 69.7K 119K 85.4K / 68
5 Chriselle Lim @chrisellelim 5.2M 344.4K 37.8K  60.5K 258.5K 60.5K 62
6 Danielle Bernstein @weworewhat 3.4M 278.4K 9.2K 167 8.3K / 44
7 Lydia Tomilnson @lydiajanetomlinson 1.5M 274.8K 22.6K 129.9K 30.5K 27.9K 33
8 Aashna Shroff @aashnashroff 1.1M 176.1K 16K 73 15.9K / 28
9 Kelsey Simone @k.els.e.y 1.1M 159.8K 13K 121.1K 17 20K 29
10 Wendy Nguyen @wendyslookbook 2.2M 122.1K 9.2K 118 8.2K / 20

Matilda Djerf, @matildadjerf

  • Followers: 4.3M
  • True reach: 1.9M
  • Average engagement: 268.4K
  • Comments: 210.9K
  • Likes: 267.7K
  • Shares: 265.3K
  • Average number of posts per month: 28

Lydia Rose, @fashioninflux

  • Followers: 3.3M
  • True reach: 654.1K
  • Average engagement: 39.9K
  • Comments: 61.9K
  • Likes: 39.5K
  • Shares: 186.6K
  • Average number of posts per month: 29

Caroline Daur, @carodaur

  • Followers: 5.1M
  • True reach: 545.7K
  • Average engagement: 28.2K
  • Comments: 75.6K
  • Likes: 13.9K
  • Shares: 214.8K
  • Average number of posts per month: 91

Kritika Khurana, @thatbohogirl

  • Followers: 1.9M
  • True reach: 499K
  • Average engagement: 69.7K
  • Comments: 119K
  • Likes: 85.4K
  • Average number of posts per month: 68

Chriselle Lim, @chrisellelim

  • Followers: 5.2M
  • True reach: 344.4K
  • Average engagement: 37.8K 
  • Comments: 60.5K
  • Likes: 258.5K
  • Shares per post: 60.5K
  • Average number of posts per month: 62

Danielle Bernstein, @weworewhat

  • Followers: 3.4M
  • True reach: 278.4K
  • Average engagement: 9.2K
  • Comments: 167
  • Likes: 8.3K
  • Average number of posts per month: 44

Lydia Tomilnson, @lydiajanetomlinson

  • Followers: 1.5M
  • True reach: 274.8K
  • Average engagement: 22.6K
  • Comments: 129.9K
  • Likes: 30.5K
  • Shares per post: 27.9K
  • Average number of posts per month: 33

Aashna Shroff, @aashnashroff

  • Followers: 1.1M
  • True reach: 176.1K
  • Average engagement: 16K
  • Comments: 73
  • Likes: 15.9K
  • Average number of posts per month: 28

Kelsey Simone, @k.els.e.y

  • Followers: 1.1M
  • True reach: 159.8K
  • Average engagement: 13K
  • Comments: 121.1K
  • Likes: 17K
  • Shares per post: 20K
  • Average number of posts per month: 29

Wendy Nguyen, @wendyslookbook

  • Followers: 2.2M
  • True reach: 122.1K
  • Average engagement: 9.2K
  • Comments: 118
  • Likes: 8.2K
  • Average number of posts per month: 20

Top 10 Micro-Influencers in Fashion

There are a lot of positives to working with a micro-influencer for your next fashion influencer campaign. For one thing, they tend to be less expensive. They also offer a more trusted voice than a celebrity endorsement would, for example. 50% of millennial shoppers say they trust influencer recommendations over that of a celebrity.

Here are 10 top fashion influencers with followings between 5K - 30K:

# Name Instagram Handle Followers True Reach Avg. Engagement Comments Likes Avg. # of posts / month
1 Suwelly @suwelly_soh 3.9K 4.7K 455 5K 72.4 2
2 Ann-Thomas Lepore @backtoblondics 11.3K 4K 481 42 439 4
3 Mjidou Khalloufi @mjidoloufi_ 11.4K 3.6K 240 44 196 4
4 Molly Smyth @mollysmyth 27.1K 3.1K 235 37 198 20
5 Nicole W-M @nicolewom 18.1K 2.6K 159 45 114 20
6 Merakee @thatbrowneyedmerakee 13.7K 2.2K 218 68 150 4
7 Rebecca Thayer @rebeccaineurope 15.7K 2.1K 193 19 174 8
8 Arundhati @theornatemind 9.6K 2.1K 404 66 338 not enough data
9 Tanvi Dahiya @chic_in_psychic 11.9K 2K 237 11 226 8
10 Eleanore @byeleanore 8.5K 1.1K 192 26 166 4

Suwelly, @suwelly_soh

  • Followers: 3.9K
  • True reach: 4.7K
  • Average engagement: 455
  • Comments: 5K
  • Likes: 72.4
  • Average number of posts per month: 2

Ann-Thomas Lepore, @backtoblondics

  • Followers: 11.3K
  • True reach: 4K
  • Average engagement: 481
  • Comments: 42
  • Likes: 439
  • Average number of posts per month: 4

Mjidou Khalloufi, @mjidoloufi_

  • Followers: 11.4K
  • True reach: 3.6K
  • Average engagement: 240
  • Comments: 44
  • Likes: 196
  • Average number of posts per month: 4

Molly Smyth, @mollysmyth

  • Followers: 27.1K
  • True reach: 3.1K
  • Average engagement: 235
  • Comments: 37
  • Likes: 198 
  • Average number of posts per month: 20

Nicole W-M, @nicolewom

  • Followers: 18.1K
  • True reach: 2.6K
  • Average engagement: 159
  • Comments: 45
  • Likes: 114
  • Average number of posts per month: 20

Merakee, @thatbrowneyedmerakee

  •  Followers: 13.7K
  • True reach: 2.2K
  • Average engagement: 218
  • Comments: 68
  • Likes: 150
  • Average number of posts per month: 4

Rebecca Thayer, @rebeccaineurope

  • Followers: 15.7K
  • True reach: 2.1K
  • Average engagement: 193
  • Comments: 19
  • Likes: 174
  • Average number of posts per month: 8

Arundhati, @theornatemind

  •  Followers: 9.6K
  • True reach: 2.1K
  • Average engagement: 404
  • Comments: 66
  • Likes: 338
  • Average number of posts per month: not enough data

Tanvi Dahiya, @chic_in_psychic

  • Followers: 11.9K
  • True reach: 2K
  • Average engagement: 237
  • Comments: 11
  • Likes: 226
  • Average number of posts per month: 8

Eleanore, @byeleanore

  • Followers: 8.5K
  • True reach: 1.1K
  • Average engagement: 192
  • Comments: 26
  • Likes: 166
  • Average number of posts per month: 4

Top Body Positivity Fashion Influencers

If you really want to make the most of all the unique advantages that come from working with a fashion influencer or fashion blogger, consider looking at a specific niche. This will often put your brand in front of a smaller relative number of followers, but they are typically a highly engaged audience, and also highly relevant. 

When you work with a micro influencer or one that specializes in a sub-niche, such as the below list of top body positivity fashion influencers, it’s more likely you’ll attract loyal followers and returning customers

This list of influencers focus on positive and inclusive messaging around different body types, particularly plus-size, illustrating that fashion is for everyone, not just a select few:

# Name Instagram Handle Followers True Reach Avg. Engagement Comments Likes Avg. # of posts / month
1 Gabi Gregg @gabifresh 2.7M 351.5K 9.9K 40.5K 8K 3
2 Ally Ferguson @allyvintage 107.9K 144.9K 15.2K 248 15K 4
3 Abby Bible @theabbybible 235.7K 99.6K 15.4K 122.6K 15.2K 36
4 Sydney Grace @ohhhhhhhhhoney 41.4K 13.6K 1.6K 38 1.6K 4
5 Emma Nacewicz @emmanacewicz 84.2K 5.9K 425 18 407 8
6 Michelle R. @bodyposipower 29.9K 5.2K 309.6K  6.1K 67.5K 32
7 Kim Stacey 13.9K 1.1K 169 9 160 12

Gabi Gregg, @gabifresh

  • Followers: 2.7M
  • True reach: 351.5K
  • Average engagement: 9.9K
  • Comments: 40.5K
  • Likes: 8K
  • Shares: 11.5K
  • Average number of posts per month: 3

Ally Ferguson, @allyvintage

  • Followers: 107.9K
  • True reach: 144.9K
  • Average engagement: 15.2K
  • Comments: 248
  • Likes: 15K
  • Average number of posts per month: 4

Abby Bible, @theabbybible

  • Followers: 235.7K
  • True reach: 99.6K
  • Average engagement: 15.4K
  • Comments: 122.6K
  • Likes: 15.2K 
  • Shares: 95.2
  • Average number of posts per month: 36

Sydney Grace, @ohhhhhhhhhoney

  • Followers: 41.4K
  • True reach: 13.6K
  • Average engagement: 1.6K
  • Comments: 38
  • Likes: 1.6K
  • Average number of posts per month: 4

Emma Nacewicz, @emmanacewicz

  • Followers: 84.2K
  • True reach: 5.9K
  • Average engagement: 425
  • Comments: 18
  • Likes: 407
  • Average number of posts per month: 8

Michelle R., @bodyposipower

  • Followers: 29.9K
  • True reach: 5.2K
  • Average engagement: 309.6K 
  • Comments: 6.1K
  • Likes: 67.5K
  • Average number of posts per month: 32

Kim Stacey,

  • Followers: 13.9K
  • True reach: 1.1K
  • Average engagement: 169
  • Comments: 9
  • Likes: 160
  • Average number of posts per month: 12

Tip: Take a look at the top sports & fitness influencers to inspire your brand.

Top Sustainable Fashion Influencers

Sustainability is a big topic in the fashion industry, and many style influencers make this their core focus. Encouraging their followers to think twice about where their clothes come from, discouraging the support of “fast fashion”, and encouraging thrifting and upcycling.

Tip: We have compiled a more in-depth list of the top sustainable fashion influencers.

This list of top sustainable fashion influencers is also sorted by true reach:

# Name Instagram Handle Followers True Reach Avg. Engagement Comments Likes Shares / post Avg. # of posts / month
1 Kate @readwritethrift 98.3K 39.4K 8.2K 41.3K 8.1K 27K 22
2 Abby @abbyontheinternet 82.7K 33.9K 2.5K 15.2K 2.5K 37.5 16
3 Lyndsey @asmallcloset 68.3K 25.5K 2.6K 37 2.6K / 8
4 Project Catherine @project.catherine 34.6K 18.9K 1.9K 10.3K 1.5K 17.6K 10
5 Claire Goldsworthy @thefashionadvocate 35.1K 2.8K 83.1K 14 61 / 16

Kate, @readwritethrift

  • Followers: 98.3K
  • True reach: 39.4K
  • Average engagement: 8.2K
  • Comments: 41.3K
  • Likes: 8.1K
  • Shares: 27K
  • Average number of posts per month: 22

Abby, @abbyontheinternet

  • Followers: 82.7K
  • True reach: 33.9K
  • Average engagement: 2.5K
  • Comments: 15.2K
  • Likes: 2.5K
  • Shares: 37.5
  • Average number of posts per month: 16

Lyndsey, @asmallcloset

  • Followers: 68.3K
  • True reach: 25.5K
  • Average engagement: 2.6K
  • Comments: 37
  • Likes: 2.6K
  • Average number of posts per month: 8

Project Catherine, @project.catherine

  • Followers: 34.6K
  • True reach: 18.9K
  • Average engagement: 1.9K
  • Comments: 10.3K
  • Likes: 1.5K
  • Shares: 17.6K
  • Average number of posts per month: 10

Claire Goldsworthy, @thefashionadvocate

  • Followers: 35.1K
  • True reach: 2.8K
  • Average engagement: 83.1K
  • Comments: 14
  • Likes: 61
  • Average number of posts per month: 16

Top Male Fashion Influencers

These male fashion influencers inspire men around the world to be creative with their wardrobe through snappy styling and trends:

# Name Instagram Handle Followers True Reach Avg. Engagement Comments Likes Avg. # of posts / month
1 Wisdom Kaye @wisdm 11.6M 3.8M 707.5K 6K 699.3K 14
2 Olivier Brillant @je.suis.olivier 63.1K 13K 1.3K 23 1.3K 4
3 Matthias Geerts @matthiasgeerts 317.4K 57.2K 7.6K 44 7.5K 28
4 Louis Powell @youngmanpowell 104.7K 33.7K 43.4K 123 43.3 7
5 Justin Livingston @justinliv 356.3K 28.7K 3.2K 45 3K 12
6 Fabio Attanasio @fabioattanasio 377.7K 43.8K 2.6K 29 2.5K 12
7 Param Sahib @parambanana 55.8K 11.2K 1.2K 33 1.2K 8

Wisdom Kaye, @wisdm

  • Followers: 11.6M
  • True reach: 3.8M
  • Average engagement: 707.5K
  • Comments: 6K
  • Likes: 699.3K
  • Shares: 1.9K
  • Average number of posts per month: 14

Olivier Brillant, @je.suis.olivier

  • Followers: 63.1K
  • True reach: 13K
  • Average engagement: 1.3K
  • Comments: 23
  • Likes: 1.3K
  • Average number of posts per month: 4

Matthias Geerts, @matthiasgeerts

  • Followers: 317.4K
  • True reach: 57.2K
  • Average engagement: 7.6K
  • Comments: 44
  • Likes: 7.5K
  • Average number of posts per month: 28

Louis Powell, @youngmanpowell

  • Followers: 104.7K
  • True reach: 33.7K
  • Average engagement: 43.4K
  • Comments: 123
  • Likes: 43.3
  • Average number of posts per month: 7

Justin Livingston, @justinliv

  • Followers: 356.3K
  • True reach: 28.7K
  • Average engagement: 3.2K
  • Comments: 45
  • Likes: 3K
  • Average number of posts per month: 12

Fabio Attanasio, @fabioattanasio

  • Followers: 377.7K
  • True reach: 43.8K
  • Average engagement: 2.6K
  • Comments: 29
  • Likes: 2.5K
  • Average number of posts per month: 12

Param Sahib, @parambanana

  • Followers: 55.8K
  • True reach: 11.2K
  • Average engagement: 1.2K
  • Comments: 33
  • Likes: 1.2K
  • Average number of posts per month: 8

What is a Fashion Influencer?

Row of clothes on hangers at an outside display.

First and foremost let’s clarify what we mean when we say “fashion influencer.” There are many ways you could define what a fashion influencer actually is. And there are numerous subcategories under each definition. 

They could be a fashion icon, like Lady Gaga, Billy Porter, or Harry Styles, all who inspire others to embrace their own unique fashion sense, but are they really fashion influencers? For the purposes of this list, we’d say no, not in the traditional sense given their celebrity status and activity in other artistic realms.

Fashion influencers are individuals who have cultivated followings on social media based on the outfitters they recommend, styling tips, trends, and any number of other niche fashion topics such as sustainability, body positivity, vintage, etc. They work with various brands to promote clothing items you can add to your wardrobe through sales and discount codes. Fashion influencers run the gamut from nano to macro followings on social media.

They often have accompanying lifestyle websites, fashion blogs, or YouTube channels, and sometimes include their own fashion merchandise or other affiliate items. Fashion influencers also have a lot of crossover with top beauty influencers, often incorporating beauty products into their campaigns.

What Are the Primary Channels for Fashion Influencers?

Female fashion blogger at a table with an open laptop, notebook, and coffee. Fashion influencers often have accompanying blog sites

Fashion influencers typically have large followings on Instagram and TikTok. Several also diversify using YouTube for longer videos. Fashion is also a perfect niche for Pinterest, and a number of the below fashion influencers have a presence there as well.

Influencers in fashion might also work in the industry as models, stylists, or designers, and regularly supplement their online presence as fashion bloggers as well as social media content creators.

Tip: Learn more about Consumer Insights for Fashion and How To Amplify Your Brand With a Blogger Outreach Campaign

Why Partner With a Fashion Influencer?

Sewing kit with several colors of thread and small thread scissors

Fashion brands who are interested in expanding into new markets, increasing brand exposure, and ultimately finding new customers, should definitely consider working with a fashion influencer. Influencers help you get in front of extremely relevant potential consumers because of the relationship they have with their following.

People follow fashion influencers whose opinion they trust and whose style they like, so the influencer's endorsement of your products is the same as if they were getting a word-of-mouth recommendation from a friend or family member.

How Are the Top Fashion Influencers Ranked?

Using Meltwater Influencer Marketing we ranked some of the top influencers from around the world in several fashion categories. Meltwater can help you quickly discover influencers in any given industry, from fashion to fitness, travel to tech.

Easily manage and scale your influencer campaigns with our influencer marketing hub - demo Meltwater banner

Tip: Learn more about using an influencer marketing hub like Meltwater Influencer Marketing and learn more about Meltwater for Fashion Brands

Some of the most common vetting criteria to consider when ranking fashion influencers include:

  • Following
  • True reach
  • Average engagement
  • Comments
  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Average number of posts per month

Tip: Check out The Most Important Influencer Marketing Statistics, and Influencer Marketing Measurement: KPIs, Metrics, ROI, and learn How to Find Influencers to Partner with Your Brand and How to Find Local Influencers in your area. We also have a guide about understanding Instagram Impressions & Reach for you.

It’s important to note that if you’re only vetting influencers by follower number, you’re likely not going to get very far. A big following does not automatically equal the kind of the engagement that is most valuable for brands today. And if their following is huge but engagement is low, it’s highly likely they are a fake influencer.

The numbers we’ve pulled below are averages summed up across the social media channels where the creator has the largest traction. We've included Instagram followers and YouTube subscribers. (Twitter and Facebook metrics have been excluded. In our research, the majority of influencers who have presences on those channels have not posted there within the past year or two). 

This methodology means, for example, that “comments per post” includes YouTube video comments and Instagram comments. We have also not included things such as Instagram Story posts or taps, but this information is available on Meltwater Influencer Marketing. 

How Much Do Fashion Influencers Charge?

Before Instagram was the Instagram we know it to be, fashion influencers were fashion bloggers but, in 2010 Instagram was launched, and it was a game changer for fashion bloggers.

The bread and butter of a fashion content creator is images, and Instagram is the perfect platform to share a quick preview of deeper content that can be found on a blog. The Instagram to blog flow worked, Fashion influencers took off, and brands took notice.

Today, Fashion influencers are some of the highest paid influencers in the industry.

Fashion Influencer Rates on Instagram

Like most major content platforms, pricing on Instagram remains on trend with the rest of the industry. Presently stories are the least expensive content format for fashion influencers, prices average at ($135) a story. Picture posts are priced around $432, while videos can cost around $827.

Video is often the most expensive content format as it can be time extensive to produce and often requires extra equipment. Additionally, video content can be divided into two formats, short videos (under 15 min)  and long videos (15 min +). The length of a requested video can impact the price.

Where are The Most Expensive Fashion Influencers?

If brands are looking to collaborate with French Fashionistas they are going to have to pay the price. The fashion capital of the world is the most expensive region for Fashion influencers, costing on averaging $758 a post, 33% more than Switzerland, the second most expensive country.

Fashion Influencer Rates: Region

In general, the US is home to some of the most expensive influencers, but when looking specifically at Fashion the United States is third. Each influencer category has their own trends, and it is important not to generalize when entering the negotiation process.

Fashion influencer rates by region.

Which Fashion Influencer is the Right Fit For Your Brand?

There are several factors you could consider when trying to determine if an influencer is right for your brand. Here are a few things to look out for as you begin your research:

  • Check who they've worked with in the past
  • Check if they consistently work with the same brand — this indicates that the brand has seen good results!
  • Do a thorough vetting of their page to make sure you like their style and would feel comfortable with them promoting your products
  • Look at what kinds of promotions they’ve done. If you’re looking for a specific kind of promotion such as an account takeover or a giveaway, communicating what you want with an influencer who has experience there might be useful. See examples of influencer campaign types
  • Make sure you focus on the True Reach metric to get a sense of their actual influence

Influencer marketing tools and influencer management platforms will all give you a good sense if an influencer is a good fit! 

Ready to get started with influencer marketing? Request a demo by filling out the form below to see Meltwater Influencer Marketing in action!
