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3D Illustration of a clock with hearts as the title image for the best times to post on Instagram in UAE

The Best Time to Post on Instagram in the UAE

Jul 1, 2024

The United Arab Emirates is home to a thriving digital landscape. With a firm focus on digital literacy, it is one of the few countries where computer science education is mandatory in primary and secondary schools.

The digital aptitude extends to social media, too. Instagram is the preferred social platform, with more than 53% of social media users active on IG. 

To capture the attention of a UAE audience, posting at the right time is crucial. Use the insights in this blog to maximise engagement and capitalise on the opportunities to grow your brand and increase your reach.


When is the Best Time to Post on Instagram in the UAE?

Important Instagram Posting Insights

The Best Time to Post on a Monday in the UAE

The Best Time to Post on a Tuesday in the UAE

The Best Time to Post on a Wednesday in the UAE

The Best Time to Post on a Thursday in the UAE

The Best Time to Post on a Friday in the UAE

The Best Time to Post on a Saturday in the UAE

The Best Time to Post on a Sunday in the UAE

The Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram in UAE

Use Meltwater Engage to Discover Instagram Insights

Important Instagram Posting Insights

It is necessary to look at the available data when setting up a posting schedule. That way, you can put your Instagram content exactly where it deserves to be: in front of the right audience for you. Therefore, publishing your content when online activity is at its highest works in parallel with Instagram’s algorithm.

  • The best days to post on Instagram in the UAE
    In general, the UAE audience is both active and engaged. For this reason, there are no bad days to post on Instagram - that is to say, no days have a dip in comparison to the others. However, Saturdays and Sundays usually see the highest number of active users on the platform, making those the best days to post on Instagram.

  • The best time to post on Instagram in the UAE
    The UAE audience is generally active later in the day, between 19h00 and 22h00 on weekdays. The weekend typically sees engagement even later, around 23h00. This is because most Instagram users in the UAE are active as they wind down for the day, after work and their evening practices. According to research, 25% of people in the UAE end their day between 22h00 and midnight, using the time before sleep to catch up on social media.

  • The worst time to post on Instagram in the UAE
    Conversely, the lowest rates of engagement for Instagram posts fall in the early hours of the morning. The time between 02h00 and 05h00 sees minimal activity.

The Best Time to Post on a Monday in the UAE

Instagram sees a spike in user activity around 19h00 on a Monday. The peak time to post is right around 20h00, when users are most active on the platform. Another good window to post content on Monday is at lunchtime, between 13h00 and 15h00, when users are on their breaks and have Instagram open.

The Best Time to Post on a Tuesday in the UAE

On Tuesdays, users in the UAE are most active on Instagram around 19h00 as they settle down after the work day. Similar to Mondays, the next best performing time slot is between 14h00 and 15h00 as users look to take a work break during the day. 

The Best Time to Post on a Wednesday in the UAE

The best time to post on Instagram in the UAE on a Wednesday is around 20h00. Because it is the middle of the work-week, UAE audiences are not as active during the day itself. This reflects global Instagram user behaviour, as performance and engagement is low during the day.

The Best Time to Post on a Thursday in the UAE

The peak time to post on a Thursday is between 19h00 and 20h00 (though there is generally active engagement on Instagram in the UAE until midnight).

The Best Time to Post on a Friday in the UAE

In general, the best time to post on a Friday in the UAE is around 21h00. User activity can pick up from as early as 18h00, but the active audience peaks a little while later. Like Thursdays, Instagram activity and engagement continues later into the night, naturally due to the upcoming weekend.

The Best Time to Post on a Saturday in the UAE

UAE Instagram user behaviour is generally even later on the weekends than it is in the week. On a Saturday, the most active time for UAE users is between 22h00 and 00h00, with strong engagement even after midnight.

The Best Time to Post on a Sunday in the UAE

The peak time in the week to post to Instagram is on a Sunday night, at 21h00. This is statistically the best time overall to post in the UAE with reach and engagement potential at its peak. 

The Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram in UAE

For maximum views, the best times during the week to post Reels follows the same trends as the best time to post content. Brands and content creators should look to post between four and seven IG Reels a week to make the most of the content’s visibility.

To keep users - and the algorithm - satisfied, the average best time to post Reels in the UAE is:

Monday: 20h00

Tuesday: 19h00

Wednesday: 20h00

Thursday: 19h00 - 20h00

Friday: 21h00

Saturday: 22h00

Sunday: 21h00

Use Meltwater Engage to Discover Instagram Insights

When is the very best time to post for your audience? This depends on a number of variables and their specific behaviour on Instagram. The easiest and most effective way to get to know your audience is by using social media listening tools like Meltwater Engage. 

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Dig into the data that makes a difference, and curate your content posting around the habits of your target audience. Get in touch with us for a free platform demo.
