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Influencer Pricing Calculator Illustration

PriceBox: How To Negotiate As A Creator

Elise Yu

Feb 22, 2024

With the PriceBox feature in Meltwater Influencer Marketing, messy negotiations are a thing of the past. Creators can now use out machine learning calculator to justify their rates to clients with data-driven metrics.

Tip: Learn how to become a successful content creator, learn more about influencer rates and pricing, and take a look at our Meltwater Creator Page.

Hard Work Deserves Fair Compensation

You know more than anyone how much work goes into being a creator. From content ideation to editing skills, you really do it all. We know how important influencer collaborations are for brands’ marketing strategy, but if you’re not fairly compensated then such partnerships are not sustainable.

To solve this problem, we created the first creator pricing calculator, PriceBox a machine learning technology to determine fair rates for upcoming collaborations.

How Do You Set Your Rate As A Creator?

For creators setting rates can be one of the most challenging aspects of a sponsored collaboration. Clients want to know that there will be an ROI from their collaboration, and can be cautious about overspending without proof that it’s a worthwhile investment. This often requires you to speak the lingo; influencer KPIs, Reach, Engagements, and more. And, to be fair, requiring creative professionals to be fluent in data isn’t really a fair ask.

That’s why we have created PriceBox, the first every Creator rate estimator. This is a machine learning calculator that not only estimates your fair rates but provides data-driven metrics to justify your price proposal.

What Should I Charge For an Instagram Post?

One of the most common questions asked by creators is, “what should I charge for a post, or story…etc?” Obviously, compensation is one of the most important parts of collaborations, so why should it be the most difficult.

We created PriceBox so it was obvious to both you and your clients how much you deserved to be paid, allowing you more time to focus on what really matters. Creating amazing content and developing lasting partnerships with brands.

How Does PriceBox Work?

Okay, so let’s get technical for a minute. We mentioned that PriceBox is a machine learning technology before. What does that mean, you may ask.

PriceBox is a “machine learning” technology that determines a creator’s rates using thousands of interconnected factors including (but not limited to):

  • True Reach 
  • Engagements 
  • Audience Demographics 
  • Audience Authenticity
  • Location
  • Past Collaborations
Meltwater Influencer Pricing Calculator

These factors are then analyzed against one another using a sophisticated machine learning technology and then compared to paid media rates in order to predict the most accurate fee for an influencer. The goal of this tool is to ensure that brands receive the best ROI out of a sponsored collaboration, and most importantly, that Creators receive fair compensation.

Why Creators Need An Influencer Technology

Meltwater Influencer Marketing isn’t just a tool for brands, it’s also an extremely beneficial resource for Creators. With Meltwater Influencer Marketing you can verify your social media profiles, making yourself visible to brands searching for a collaboration. And, you can add your rates to your Meltwater Creator Profile!

Your influencer rates can be set using PriceBox with data-driven metrics visible for brands. You can use the PriceBox technology to justify your rates during the negotiation phase, and ensure you’re getting compensated what you deserve!