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3D illustration of media items for the best press distribution companies in the UK

The Best Press Release Distribution Services in the UK

Jess Smith

Aug 3, 2024

If you don't have a PR agency, learning the basics of public and media relations helps you beat the competition when it comes to getting attention for your brand. Knowing the best places to distribute your release is essential.

In this blog, we will explore the top press release distribution services in the UK and how you can best maximise your time and resources.

Table of contents

List of the top UK press release distribution companies

To kick off, here’s a short list of the top UK press release distribution companies every marketing team should know:

Tip: Use our free press release template to write your next press release and learn how to pitch successfully to journalists.

1. Meltwater UK Press Release Distribution

Struggling to create awareness around important announcements in the UK? You're not alone. Creating engaging content is one thing, but getting it in front of audiences that care is another.

After a PR professional writes a press release, they need a way to distribute it. This is where a press release distribution service becomes handy. We understand different needs require different solutions, that's why we offer a number of ways to help get your press release seen.

Meltwater partners with journalists to develop online profiles. This assures they are only getting quality pitches while helping brands ensure their press releases are going to journalists who have been fully vetted. It’s a win-win situation and a great way to build your distribution network.

Ein illustrierter Mann steht auf einer Schreibmaschine, in der ein Blatt Papier mit den Wörtern Press Release liegt

Meltwater UK's press release distribution service also includes:

  1. Integration in to over 100 services for local, national and global audiences and a strong presence in Europe.
  2. Pitching to UK social media influencers
  3. Meltwater Wire Distribution via GlobeNewswire
  4. Hyper-Targeted PR Outreach with Keyword Search
  5. Comprehensive reporting with easy-to-share dashboards with key insights
  6. 24/7 live chat support from the app.

Learn more about the Meltwater Media Database and Meltwater Press Release Distribution Service for the UK!

Start building your Media Database today for a more efficient, hyper-targeted PR Outreach Banner Meltwater

2. Pressat Newswire

Launched in 2010, Pressat newswire reaches targeted journalists, editors, influencers & news-desks and has an in-house editorial team to send releases to the most relevant medias to ensure it's effective and seen where it matters most. They also offer UK media contacts.

Pressat also serves more than 33,000 opt-in subscribers with customised news alerts, ranging from journalists and editors right through to analysts and bloggers.

3. PR Fire

PR Fire is one of the UK’s leading press release distribution platforms with guaranteed global reach.

They help businesses grow get published, syndicated and featured on high-authority news media.

PR Fire also offers a Distribute only or Write & Distribute option if you need support crafting your press release.

4. PR News Wire (Cision)

PR Newswire has been a trusted provider in this space for some time.

They deliver to editorial systems and newsrooms of major media organisations and connect brand messages with influential journalists — from their active community of more than 36,000 members — who have specifically requested to see news in specific industries.

Tip: Get to know other Cision alternatives on the market.

UK press release distribution

Journalists are inundated with hundreds of press releases every day. To cut through, you’ll need a good pitch and help finding the right person to tell your story.

To find the best press release distribution service in the UK, look for those companies that have a local presence and have made a commitment to both journalists and brands to produce great results.

What press release distribution services provide the best value?

There are a few things to consider before you choose a press release service.

  1. Not all press release services are the same.
    Some are nothing more than online portals that rely on you to make decisions about what UK news outlets are mostly likely to distribute your news.
  2. Make sure the service you use maintains the most current UK media contacts list.
    Journalists change jobs frequently and outdated contact details mean your release is dead in the water. Companies like Meltwater partner with journalists to develop online profiles. This assures they are only getting quality pitches while helping brands ensure their press releases are going to journalists who have been fully vetted. It’s a win-win situation and a great way to build your distribution network.
  3. A highly targeted list of UK journalists is going to be more valuable than a scattergun approach.
    When it comes to achieving your PR goals, the narrower you can make your list, the better.
  4. Choose a company with offices in the UK.
    They will have local knowledge of the UK media landscape and will be able to offer support to ensure your news lands where you want it.
Cartoon image of clipboard with checklist and pencil against a pink background. Main image for blog post on creating a media database for maximum PR ROI

How to find UK media contacts

If your marketing team doesn’t have direct connections with journalists in the UK, don’t worry. We have some tips for you:

Find UK media outlets on social media

Social media has made it much easier for marketing, corporate affairs and advertising teams to develop their own distribution networks.

How do you do that? Nearly every reporter in print, television, and radio is active on social media, especially Twitter and LinkedIn. They are always on the lookout for good stories and are especially receptive to people who know how to pitch a good story.

You can also find UK media outlets on social media.

Start making contacts by following press accounts on social platforms like Twitter. It's often easier to make digital connections with key players by finding them online. Make sure the account has a blue tick showing it’s been authenticated by Twitter and it's not being run as a digital spoof.

List of the top verified UK newspaper Twitter accounts

Create UK media lists

Another way to decide where you want to pitch a story is to make your own media lists. The UK's media landscape is constantly evolving, but the global pandemic put everything on fast forward.

It’s important to know how to stay on top of the UK's media trends.

Where do I send a UK media release?

Make sure your media list contains journalists who cover your beat. If you’re working in the healthcare industry, find those who cover health. If you work in manufacturing, find the people writing industrial stories.

The more relevant your pitch is to the person receiving it, the greater the likelihood you’ll be successful in getting your story featured (Try personalised PR)

Keep in mind the biggest names in UK journalism get so many pitches they can’t possibly read them all. Finding a young reporter and developing a relationship with them can return PR dividends to your marketing team for years to come.

Stack of newspapers in front of a teal background

What is the best way to distribute press releases in the UK?

Get in touch with Meltwater by filling out the form below to learn more about how the Meltwater press release distribution product can get your important stories in front of UK journalists who want to hear them and will share them with their audiences.
