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Content Marketing for Social Media Managers

A cartoon image of a man stepping out of an iPad holding a megaphone. Different icons, like an email, calendar and Facebook "Like" button, hover above his head. The icons represent all of the different forms of content marketing, such as email marketing, social media marketing, etc.

What is content marketing? And what makes it different from marketing as a whole? According to the Content Marketing Institute, the big difference is that content marketing aims to build an audience rather than a customer base. Content marketers aim to create fans of the content the brand produces. Done right, it can be really successful!

So how do you go about creating content that similarly generates legions of fans – and how do you do it on social? In this guide we'll take you through the fundamentals of content marketing for social platforms in three key areas:

  • Plan - Building your content strategy
  • Execute - Creating content that attracts a fan base
  • Measure - Monitoring and measuring content performance

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