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2024 Marketing Trends

A diverse group of marketers smiling and planning out their campaigns. Marketing Trends for 2024 guide

It’s an exciting, challenging, and dynamic time to be a marketer. New ways to use AI, a changing social media landscape, an ever-evolving influencer industry…whether you’re in content marketing, digital marketing, or social media marketing now is not the time to rest on your laurels! 

It’s time to really think creatively, assess current strategies, and map out new ways to attract and retain customers.

To help you along, we’ve put together this guide to help you build a winning marketing strategy for 2024. In the guide, we cover:

  • AI governance and uses in marketing
  • Why you need a branded podcast
  • The shifting nature of value-based marketing
  • Social commerce’s struggle to take hold in Western markets
  • Visual search on the rise
  • What new social platform paywalls mean for brands

And much more!

Download the guide to get started!

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